TASS: Timing Analyzer of Scenario-Based Specifications
Introduction Download Case Study 1 Case Study 2


We have implemented two versions for TASS. One is an Eclipse plug-in which is an integrated environment for modelling and analysis. The other is a Java standalone application which reads models generated by Rational Rose as its input. The linear programming software package which is integrated in the tool is from OR-Objects of DRA Systems which is a free collection of Java classes for developing operations research, scientific and engineering applications. For user's convenience we have integrated package into TASS so you need not to download it.

We provide a manual along with TASS (for the Java standalone application). The manual includes all the knowledge from drawing UML models to specifying constraints. It also consists of useful recourses. However, the user may run TASS without much knowledge such as linear programming. Moreover, TASS can be run without any configuration.

Download TASS (Eclipse plugin)

Download TASS (Java standalone application, updates discontinued)

Download the user manual (for Java standalone application)


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