时 间:2013年9月24日18:30 地 点:计算机楼229
报告一:Steering Symbolic Execution
to Less Traveled Paths
简介:Symbolic execution is a promising testing and analysis methodology.
It systematically explores a program’s execution space and can generate test
cases with high coverage. One significant practical challenge for symbolic
execution is how to effectively explore the enormous number of program paths in
real-world programs. Various heuristics have been proposed for guiding symbolic
execution, but they are generally inefficient and ad-hoc. In this paper, we
introduce a novel, unified strategy to guide symbolic execution to less
explored parts of a program. Our key idea is to exploit a specific type of path
spectra, namely the length-n subpath program spectra, to systematically
approximate full path information for guiding path exploration. In particular,
we use frequency distributions of explored length-n subpaths to prioritize
“less traveled” parts of the program to improve test coverage and error
detection. We have implemented our general strategy in KLEE, a state-of-the-art
symbolic execution engine. Evaluation results on the GNU Coreutils programs
show that (1) varying the length n captures program-specific information and
exhibits different degrees of effectiveness, and (2) our general approach
outperforms traditional strategies in both coverage and error detection.
报告二:Computing and
Proving Node Set Properties in Scope Logic
Logic, as an extension to Hoare Logic, is born to deal with pointers and
recursive data structures. Firstly, in this talk, I will show basic concepts
and features of Scope Logic. Secondly, I will demonstrate how to prove a
program in Scope Logic using some basic facilities. Then, some previous work to
compute and prove NodeSet properties automatically will be introduced. NodeSet
property of a data structure is the set of nodes that can be reached from a
pointer. This information is very useful in proving programs. For instance, it
can broaden the usage of Weakest Precondition (WP), which can only deal with
formulas containing no user-defined functions. Finally, I will come to a
conclusion and introduce our future work.
简介:设备驱动程序是计算机系统中最重要的组成部分之一,应用程序和操作系统都需要通过设备驱动程序对外设进行管理和操作。此外,设备驱动程序代码在现代操作系统中占据了非常大的比重,同时也是操作系统中各类错误最主要的源头。设备驱动程序体量庞大且易于出错是由其自身复杂性较高所决定的。针对上述问题,报告从分析设备驱动程序特点开始,提出一种模块化设备驱动开发方法,以降低开发复杂度、提高复用性和减少错误;并介绍运用这一方法,针对以太网网卡类设备设计的开发框架。最后对下一步的工作进行介绍和讨论。 |