Title: Dependable Real-Time Communication Infrastructures for Cyber-Physical Systems Presenter: Dr.Qixin Wang Dept. of Computing, Hong Kong Polytechnic University Time: 2:00PM Oct 19, 2010 Location: Room 109, MMW
Building Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), the next generation pervasive computing, is expected to be a theme topic for future computer science. CPS emphasizes the convergence of computers and the physical world. A representative feature of such emphasis lies in the hard real-time requirement: computers not only have to deliver the correct values of computation; but also have to deliver them within solid deadlines. Avionics is a good example: to guarantee the safety of an airplane, the continuous sampling/actuation loops must deliver every control command within millisecond deadlines. As most CPS systems are distributed embedded systems (e.g. an airplane integrates hundreds of processors), a dependable real-time communication infrastructure becomes an indispensible prerequisite for CPS. We envision for most real-time CPS applications, the most promising real-time communication infrastructure shall use a single hop wireless or wired LAN as its last hop; and (if necessary) use multihop wired switched networks as its backbone.
Qixin Wang received the B.E. and M.E. degrees from Dept. of Computer Sci. and Tech., Tsinghua Univ. (Beijing, China) in 1999 and 2001 respectively; and the PhD degree from the Dept. of Computer Science, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2008. He joined the Dept. of Computing in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2009 as an assistant professor. His research interests include real-time/embedded systems and networking, wireless technology, and their applications in industrial control, medicine and assisted living. He has authored/coauthored more than 13 refereed publications in leading conferences and journals in these fields, including a featured article in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 2008 May Issue and an article winning 2008 best paper award of IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. He is a member of IEEE and ACM. |