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学术报告:Bridging the Gap between AI and SE

报告标题Bridging the Gap between AI and SE


报告时间: 20201019(周一) 14:00



Today, data miners often apply or extend AI techniques to solve problems across many domains (e.g., social media, health informatics, and software systems); while domain experts leverage their own domain knowledge to solve their own problems. Data miners often apply their automated techniques to solve a wide range of problems across different domains with limited knowledge of the domain; while domain experts often have limited knowledge of automated techniques when solving their domain-specific problems.

My research tries to bridge the gap between both types of experts (i.e., Data miners and Domain Experts). In this talk, I will focus on the software engineering domain and I will give an overview of several challenges facing data miner and domain experts as they make use of automated techniques, in particular: (1) strong performance of techniques is not sufficient, instead a deeper understanding of the domain is essential; (2) an easy approach might perform better than a complex approach; (3) results should be presented in a domain-centric context. I will present examples from my research to explain what these challenges are, why they appear, and my efforts to avoid them. 


夏鑫是澳大利亚蒙纳士大学的ARC DECRA Fellow和讲师。他的研究方向是智能软件工程、软件仓库挖掘和经验软件工程。夏鑫至今发表了185篇期刊和会议论文,其中包括49CCF A类期刊和会议长文(包括23TSE6TOSEM12ASE),65CCF B类期刊和会议长文。部分论文获得国际会议最佳/杰出论文奖项,包括5ACM SIGSOFT 杰出论文奖(ASE 201820192020 ICPC 20182020)。此外他担任了MSRSANER会议的Steering Committee,多个国际会议的PC (ICSEESEC/FSE, ASE),以及参与组织了多个国际会议(ASE 2020ICSME 2020, SANER 2019等)。更多信息在https://xin-xia.github.io/